Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Murbai (Morus alba L.) Sebagai Bahan Aktif Pasta Gigi Dan Uji Aktivitas Anti Bakteri Terhadap Plak Gigi

Akmal Djamaan, Fatimah Saidah, Rina Wahyuni


The formulation of leaf´s murbey ethanol extract´s toothpaste and its activities against dental plaque´s bacteries had been done. Pre test showed the leaf´s murbey ethanol extracts at 4% of concentration gave an optimal diameter of inhibition against dental plague. Based that fact, this research would have made 3 formulas at toothpaste from leaf´s murbey extract at 1%, 2%, and 4% of concentration. All of formulas would have wade with the same base of toothpaste. All of formulas would be characterized of pharmaceutic´s properties and antibacteria´s activities, that would be compared with toothpaste “S” and “P” as a standard. The result shawed all formulas gave a good characteristic of pharmaceutic properties. F3 had gave a good diameter of inhibition, that was 21.875 mm, where as the “S” and “P” of toothpaste had gave a diameter of inhibition respectively 23.875 mm and 22.75mm. There was a significant difference of inhibition´s diameter of all formulas at 0.05 level of confidence.

Kata Kunci

murbey ethanol extract´s; toothpaste; anti-plaque

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